Friday, January 27, 2006

Como se dice?

Work has me all crazy. We’re trying to close out the month and the quarter so I’m frazzled.

I’ve also been doing some stuff for someone that I wish I could tell you about but unfortunately she’s extremely nosey and will read it on here. Her name is N-A-N-C-Y. She can't read, so don't worry she won't figure out my code.

Last night Alfonso and I were up late making tamales for said person. Her party is on Saturday. She’s the one celebrating her 30th 80’s style. I can’t go into more detail because like I said, she’s nosey. I can’t wait to show you pictures. I’m wearing thermals w/ boxers and wanna be Keds w/out shoe laces. Also, an off the shoulder sweatshirt. Some pink & blue eye shadow, blue eyeliner and mascara and some bright pink lip gloss. I’m hot. Of course some 80’s hair. I don’t have any scrunchies but I’ll have to improvise. I’m not using Aqua net though. That smell makes me want to vomit.

I’m also thinking of having some girl time next week in California. Alfonso gave me the go ahead so I may just go ahead. I’m in need of a little vacation. Although, I wanted it to be him with whom I was taking this little vacation. We’ll see.

The air is on in the office. Um may I say it’s 49 degrees outside. Why is the friggin’ air on? I’m cold and my fingers are numb.

I was talking to my mom yesterday morning as I do every morning and she said “Hija antes de que se me olvide, como se dice vagina en ingles?” Now mind you, I’m at work. I can’t be blurting words like vagina while I’m at work. That word is just foul. Me no likey. So I was trying to tell her “disimuladamente” and she was like “QUE?” I said “Ma, No te puedo decir bien ahorita, que va a pensar la gente?” So slowly but surely I explained to her how to say vagina in English. I talked to her again last night. She said she’d been practicing all day. Oh by the way she was asking because she had a Dr.’s appointment. So I probably shouldn’t have told you this story but I thought it was so funny.


Coco said...

What do you mean "girl" time in California? WHERE in California??

Hope all went well with your mami's doctor appointment.

Hey, they have Menopause: The Musical!! (ok, i was thinking vagina...but yeah, they have the vaginalogues! it was REALLY good-
highly recommended!)


bevy said...

That's so funny. Once again, I'm learning so much Spanish by reading your blog.