Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm pissed

You know what pisses me off?

The fact that American’s can be so ignorant. The protest this past weekend has American’s all in arm’s about “Mexicans” not being here legally because “Mexicans” take all the jobs. Not only “Mexicans” come here illegally. I’m sorry white America but “Mexicans” are not the only one’s here illegally. I know it’s hard to tell because the brown stands out a lot more than the white. The accent is different than those from other countries but their accents are endearing while Hispanic accents are just annoying to you. We don’t refuse to learn the language. It’s harder for some of us who have been speaking spanish for 30 years to learn a language so foreign. I bet you couldn’t go to a foreign land and learn the language immediately. No one is refusing anything. They say that maybe they should go to Mexico and take back “their” manufacturing jobs. No one took your f**king jobs. You refused to do them for such low wages. Why? Because we’d rather put food on the table and live in low income neighborhoods than not work at all. Our ethics are a little different than yours. They say that we take advantage of the system. Ha! That’s funny. Last I checked it was US Citizens that were taking advantage of the welfare system. Why are you so upset America? You eat just the same as we do. The only difference is, we picked the lettuce. You complain when prices are rising but how do you think the prices remain as low as they do? Those “Mexicans” are working in the fields. Why don’t you move out of the house or apartment you live in? A Mexican probably built it. If Mexicans are such horrible people, why do you keep using their services? Fire your nanny, your landscaper, and your housekeeper. Mexicans are not here to hurt you or take your jobs away. They’re here to make your lives easier and in turn, make a better life for themselves. Walk a mile in their shoes. You wouldn’t even make it to the corner. You’d rather stand on the corner holding a sign that reads “Will work for food” than take a job at McDonald’s. I haven’t seen any Mexicans holding those signs, have you? I have seen them on the street corners selling fruit or flowers to make a living though. I bet it’s too humiliating to you huh? What would your golf buddies say?

My parents came to this country illegally. I’m damn proud of it. They came here with nothing but the shirts on their backs with the intention of making a better life for themselves. They did just that. WITHOUT TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE SYSTEM. They found each other, married and started a family. They raised 3 wonderful adults (if I say so my damn self). We all speak perfect English and perfect Spanish. My parents are now US citizens. A success story, I think.

My husband also came to this country illegally. I'm also damn proud of him. He has done nothing but strive to get what he wants. More ambition than I've seen in most "Americans". He works hard and accepts nothing from no one.

Why not give everyone a chance to prove themselves? Why insult and attack a whole race when you don’t even know where half of these people come from. Not all brown skin means Mexican. The language might be the same but we come from different parts of Middle and South America. Not all illegal’s are from Mexico. But racism is all the same.

Edited to say: Just as you shouldn't stereotype all Mexicans or all Hispanics of being Mexican, I'm not speaking of all Americans.

1 comment:

bevy said...
