Tuesday, May 09, 2006

More information about yours truly

My friend sent this to me but I really don't feel like forwarding it so I think I'll post it.

1. First name? Yamell
2. Were you named after anyone? My aunt’s best friend, they were going to name me Nancy but she didn’t want that name for me she wanted something unique so my mom agreed.
3. Do you wish on stars? Not really
4. When did you last cry? Last night when I watched the series finale of 7th Heaven. Yeah “I know how you know I’m gay”
5. Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes
6. What is your favorite Lunch meat? Turkey
7. What is your birth date? 6/30 when all coupons expire
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? Milli Vanilli
9. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Undoobidibly
10. Do you have a journal? Yes, it’s my blog
11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No, do you?
12. What are your nicknames? Yummy, Yumster, Yoomy, Yummerson, Yami,
13. Would you bungee jump? No. Didn’t that go out in 1982?
14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Only if they have shoe laces
15. Do you think you are strong? Undoubtedly
16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Haagen Dazs Coffee
17. Shoe size? 9
18. Favorite color? Orange or anything that is eye catching
20. Who do you miss the most? My mom and dad when they’re out of town
21. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back? Umm yes
22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Grey/Black
23. What are you listening to right now? Bad Day by Daniel Powter
24. Last thing you ate? Small # 5 on wheat from Port of Subs
25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I couldn’t limit myself to one but I’d exclude white, black and brown they’re too blah
26. What is the weather like right now? Hot like a mug
27. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mami
28. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hands
29. Do you like the person who sent this to you? She’s aight
30. Favorite Drink? Captain & Diet, Diet 7up, Diet Dr. Pepper, Patron
31. Favorite Sport? None
32. Hair color? Brown
33. What color are your eyes? Brown
34. Do you wear contacts? Yep but I’m out right now
35. Favorite Food? I don’t really have a favorite.
36. Last Movie you watched? Ransom
37. Favorite Day of the year? My anniversary
38. Scary Movies or happy Endings? Happy endings
39. Summer or Winter? Winter
40. Hugs or kisses? Both. What’s a hug without a kiss?
41. What is your favorite Dessert? Craig’s Carrot Cake Cheesecake
42. Who is most likely to respond? Ehhh
43. Who is least likely to respond? Ehhh
44. Living Arrangements? Me & my Fonz
45. What books are you reading? Pregnancy related
46. What's on your mouse pad? Don’t have one
47. What did you Watch last night on TV? 7th Heaven, Girlfriends and half of What about Brian
48. Favorite Smells? Alfonso’s belly button, rain and this certain way my car smells in the winter
49 .Favorite sounds? Alfonso pulling up in the driveway, fan, my nieces and nephews laughing
50. What's the farthest you've been from home? Tie between Empalme Sonora and Villa Coronado Chihuahua and now that I think about it I think New Jersey is further away than both.


Cisco said...

Are we the only two people on earth who really like-coffee ice cream from Hagen Dazz?...

Yummerson said...

It's the best isn't it? It's so smooth and creamy. MMM que rico!