Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Weather Outside is Frightful

I was watching Grey’s Anatomy today and George said something that rang so true. When he was talking to Cristina and told her that he admired her because she was like a robot always so composed but once in a while he needed her to be a human being. There are people that I admire in my life for their strength. I love the way that they can shrug off heartbreak or a bad day at work and have it not affect them. I sometimes need them though to show some compassion and look at life through their hearts rather than through their eyes. To see things the way most people do rather than see things with knight’s armor. It just hit home and I loved it.

A couple of weeks ago one of Oprah’s show was Challenge day at a high school. My favorite Oprah show ever. It was just beautiful and she’s right this is how we change the world one person at a time.

I love staying home. I love it. I thought it was going to suck but I love it. Did I say I love it? It’s not boring, I’m not lonely. I’m not ready to throw Diego at Alfonso when he gets home. I don’t want to go back to work. I’m getting things done at home. I shower daily. I may not dress up daily but I do shower and I do put on make up every other day. I am loving every second of it.

The above was written last week or the week before. I just never had a chance to post it since I wasn’t done.

Thanksgiving was great. It was held at our house again this year. The only thing I don’t like is that the only people that help with the clean up are my parents. My mom to be exact.
Um I’m sure I have more to complain about but I’ll wait for another day.

You can see pics of Diego, if you click on the link on the left that says Hello Photo.


Coco said...

Thank you for posting the pictures!
Your baby is soooo precious!! : )

Y si, aprovecha tu tiempo en casa con tu bebé, por que este tiempo NUNCA regresará!

Que Dios los siga bendiciendo.

Un fuerte y caluroso abrazo,

lulubel said...

Hola Yamell,

It's been a while...congratulations on your baby boy. And thank you for sharing the pictures. He is precious...makes me want a baby boy now. :-)

God bless you all.

I finally posted a picture of mi daughter on my blog...and an quick update...check it out.

bevy said...

Awww, he's so cute. Kind of looks like my brother when he was a baby. Great pics, all 124 of them.

PS - I would really hope you wouldn't "throw" Diego at Alfonso.

Cisco said...

Hope all is well

Feliz Navidad