Sunday, April 06, 2008


Alfonso took Diego and left so I could get some me time in. And by me time I mean get laundry done, clean the kitchen and perhaps even shower. It doesn't matter really what I do in the time they're gone just as long as I feel I've accomplished something. I did. I tried to read "A New Earth" the new Oprah book club book earlier in the day while Diego played. Didn't really happen for me. Diego likes to sit on my head these days. It's hard to read with a pamper covering your eyes. Try it. It's quite challenging.

I'm also recovering from the stomach flu. What a fun couple of days that was. 7 lb in two days folks. Lost. I mean that's a new diet tactic for me but it's not as fun as I'd like the adventure to be.

Thoughts interrupted by child waking up from nap.

Here's a picture of the culprit.


bevy said...

OMG - he's a little man! He's so adorable! Look at those cheeks and little pouty lips!

Ms. Marie said...

HE'S SO CUTE! Your "little culprit" is adorable.

Coco said...

he is so precious!!
thank you for the pics : )
yes, of course, i looked thru them!

un fuerte y caluroso abrazo...
deseando que TODOS esten bien.


Cisco said...

WOw! he's so nig and cute. Was it just a couple of years ago that you were blogging about having babies and all your other trials and tribulations?..

How time flies.
He looks healthy. Take good care of him and yourself.