Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rockin' my Vote

I voted Friday. To me, it was pretty powerful shit. I won’t get all deep because sometimes I get annoyed with folks that can’t turn the depth meter off. As you can tell, I’m annoyed with it right now. So back to the voting, I cried. It was my first time ever. Yes. My first time. I know I’m 34. It was my first time. All the years past I didn’t vote because I didn’t think it mattered. Then Bush happened. I’m sorry Bush lovers (that has a dirty innuendo). The state our country is in made me anxious to vote. I have the future of all our little ones to think about now. For the better of the children, for the better of me. It’s a privilege to be able to vote. I shouldn’t pass it up. I shouldn’t take it for granted. You want to know who guided me? Mi madre. A Mexican immigrant, who speaks English with a thick accent. A Mexican immigrant who became a US citizen maybe 10-15 years ago and has been voting since. Makes me proud. She doesn’t take that privilege for granted.

Wow looks like I got deep. So deep that now I’m crying of pride in my Madre. And my Padre too. Not to mention the pride I feel in myself, the daughter of said immigrants. It wasn’t the US born folks that set the example that I should vote. It was mi madre and mi padre. Who could ask for more?

Go vote. It’s a privilege.


Coco said...

Yes, your voice does matter!!
I'm glad you voted : )
Fuertes y calurosos abrazos...

come on over and dance to:
Respondele a Obama : )

bevy said...

I'll be voting this week.

BTW, I've already voted 3 times.