Wednesday, July 20, 2005

High School Games

When I was in high school I had a boyfriend who shall remain nameless. We were together for 5 long years. In those 5 years we did so much to damage each other’s lives and make memories that I’m embarrassed of. We broke up my junior year for a short period of time. I was devastated. I’m not sure how long that hiatus lasted but to me at that time in my life was an eternity. I remember my mom coming in my room in the middle of the night because she’d hear me crying. She’d lay down with me like when I was a little girl and stay there until the tears were dry and I was asleep.

He met someone else. She will also remain nameless. He called my house and asked for her. Obviously, his bad. What a slap in the face. I hated her with such a passion. She took the man I wanted. The man I thought I was going to spend eternity with.

I took that hatred and anger and put it into a project I came up with all on my own. Somehow my friends and I got a hold of a picture of her. I don’t remember how or who had it but we got it. We also found her phone number. I made fliers to include a picture of her that read: For a good time call me at (insert phone number here). I don’t remember if I put profanities on this flier or not but I might as well have. We posted fliers along major streets as well as threw them around on campus.

It’s a small world and she ended up living with one of my friends not too long ago. She let my friend know that I had ruined her life. I regret doing that, after all it wasn’t her fault that the man I loved didn’t love me back. It was just one of those immature things to do in high school.

To you nameless girl, I apologize. I’m sorry that I did such a horrible thing. I was hurt and that was my way of expressing my feelings. I could have just cried but instead thought I’d make someone else cry. I’m truly deeply sorry.


Jezebel said...

I did something really mean once, a long time ago. She was the ex, I was the current girlfriend...she wanted him back, we had just moved in together. She made my life a living hell, basically stalked me, crank calling me at home, at work. I hated her. I went thru an old box one day of my ex's in the garage, he had hidden it. Found pictures of her and him. Graphic pictures. I put them in an envelope and sent them to her mother. She never bothered me again.

Yummerson said...

She had that coming to her. Do you ever feel bad about it?

Jezebel said...

NOW, i do. But back then, I was just so fed up with her abuse and constant harrassment that I danced a little jig when I found out they had almost thrown her out after they got the pics. In the years since, Ive often wanted to write her a letter to apologize..after all, he (the bf) ended up bieng an ass and so not worth the pain he put us thru.

Yummerson said...

I probably wouldn't have felt so bad if someone was doing that kind of stuff to me. I bet she'll never be a stalker again.