Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Perfect Couple

What’s your perception? Is it the couple with the white picket fence? Or maybe the couple that you see leave every Sunday morning with their children to mass? Why is that what we think the perfect couple is made of only to be left disappointed when they prove us wrong?

This weekend I heard sad news about two couples. Two couples who I thought were near perfect. Of course, like all couples they’ve had their ups and downs but they’ve worked thru it which to me is damn near perfect.

Infidelity. Infidelity played a part in both of the stories. Both stories made me sad and hit me like a ton of bricks.

It brought me to believe that there is no perfect couple. The perfect couple idea changed for me. They are not the couple who don’t fight but the couple who disagrees and works thru it. They are not the couple who work 90/10 but the couple that works 100/100 and shows it. They’re not afraid to show their true spirit in front of each other. They’re not afraid to speak for what they believe and they’re not the ones who when their spouse walks in the room they stay quiet because they’re afraid to talk. The perfect couple in my eyes is the couple that makes it work. They don’t take the easy way out but talk thru their problems. They don’t stay because they’re comfortable but because they are in love with each other. The day I stop feeling butterflies is the day it’s time to make those butterflies come back – with my husband.

The day I stop seeing the fireworks when my husband kisses me is the day that we make those fireworks come back – with my husband.

It’s too easy to move on to the first person that winks at you. It’s harder to make that love come alive again. It’s too easy to be comfortable. I want the hard work that love should be. I went thru so much to get to where I am today only to throw it away for a stranger’s intimacy. I want to work for what I have and not take any second for granted.

Work at it. If then you determine it’s poisonous. Get out. Why live in misery when life has so much to offer?

I want people to know that our love is hard work. A love that needs to be fed and nurtured.

I’ll work for butterflies and fireworks with my husband until the day I die. That I promise you.


Cisco said...

It is so easy to stray...and there are so many men (and women) willing to assist those who want to stray....
SO wacth out and keep marriage intersting and loving..

Yummerson said...

You're right it is easy but it takes two to make a relationship work. So basically my point is work at it cheating is taking the easy way out.