Friday, September 02, 2005


First things first. I just donated to the Hurricane Katrina Relief fund you should too

I want these cd’s:

Kanye West
Black Eyed Peas
Mariah Carey

I’m not a big Mariah Carey fan but I really dig her new cd.

I saw Alejandro Fernandez on the Don Francisco show Wednesday night. He looked awful. He really doesn’t need to have a pony tail. I think I’m going to tell him that the next time I see him. I also think he looks like he’s been tanning a little too much. He didn’t look that great. I’ve never been a big fan but I used to think he was somewhat good looking. Uh not so much.

Why do the neighbors that surround our home park on their lawn? The ones on the left just put their house up for sale. Thank the Lord almighty. They’re house is nasty. I’m hoping that whoever buys feels like fixing it up and not parking on the lawn but in the driveway.

The neighbor to the right happens to be related to me. Coincidence? YES. He has been parking on his lawn too. What the f? Dude you have a driveway and there’s plenty of street for you to park in. If you’d like I’ll introduce you.

I put wedding pics up. Not a lot but just those that I’m finally sending to our Padrinos. Better late than never eh?

Well tomorrow we go see the hairy beast. I’m kind of excited because it’ll be date night for Alfonso and I. We haven’t been out alone in a while. I mean we’ve been to PT’s to have drinks or what have you but not actually be out on a date. He’s excited too.

All seems so insignificant right now though because of what’s happening on the other side of the US.

Do what you can to help. It’s really a shame. Hurricane Katrina Relief fund.

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