Friday, November 04, 2005

Chile Patrol

Do you think there are cars that men shouldn’t drive? For example, a man driving a oh I don’t know Rav 4 maybe. They just don’t go together, right? What about if a man drives a Rav 4 and has a bumper sticker that says “Punani Patrol”. Yes you read it right. I was behind a guy that had this bumper sticker on his Rav 4. I was like – WTF? Your sticker should read “Looking for some hair to put on my chest patrol”. You sure as hell ain’t gonna get no punani in the Rav 4. That’s just not a manly car. That’s just my opinion though.


bevy said...

I personally don't think anyone should drive a RAV4.

Coco said...

What about "older" men driving sporty cars? (by older, i mean 60ish)

When purchasing a car, one has got to be careful...color, style, image, language!
Yes, LANGUAGE- your car speaks for you!

Mine, right now, is a dark green camry-
my previous one was a RED sporty car...
and yes, I wanted to be NOTICED!!

Un fuerte y caluroso abrazo.