Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Last night Alfonso and I sat down to make a list of our goals. Short term. I started the list, the first one:

1. Pay back my parents.
2. Pay back my suegritos
3. Ahorrar mucho mucho dinero
4. Vacaciones
5. Playa
6. My Wife

I completed #1. Fonz did 2 -6. Yeah, he did the ones that don’t make any sense. 1 & 2 are one in the same. Balled up the paper and threw it in the trash.

2nd attempt:

This time he started the list.

1. Pagar lo que debemos.
2. Save money.
3. Watch less TV
4. Eat at home more and make healthier choices
5. Fix My Patio
6. Fix My Yard
7. Kick you out of MY house.
6. I pay the rent.
7. Yeah but I pay the mortgage
1. Stop touching my a**.

So Fonz did 5 & 6. We thought it was funny because he said My Patio and My yard instead of ours. So I rebutted with #7. The first one. Alfonso somehow forgot to count. So I followed the lead.

We have to start the list over. When we can take it seriously.

1 comment:

bevy said...

I need to work on a list of my goals also. Ironically, paying back your parents is at the top of my list too.