Thursday, March 09, 2006


Work is b-o-r-i-n-g today. There are some meetings going on and meanwhile I’m sitting here twiddling my thumbs. Thinking of dumb things and watching the clock. I’m hungry man.

When I’m bored it leads me to shop. I don’t shop for clothes and that’s apparent as I’ve been dressing kind of ridiculous lately. I need to buy some dang new clothes. I used to be cute. I don’t know what happened. I can’t bring myself to be cute for work. I don’t really have anyone to impress and the girls in here drive me nuts with their incessant “that’s cute” “you’re cute” “your hair looks cute” “awesome” “is that new?”. I can’t handle it. It’s a constant fashion show here at the prison. I get out of the shower and do absolutely nothing with my mop. If I could come to work in my pj’s I would. I know in another post I said how you dress says a lot about yourself and lately it’s been saying that I’m lazy. That’s the message I’m trying to get across. I do brush my teeth though. I just save my cuteness for the bars and for my man. Sometimes I save it for you Jen. Only if you promise we can make out later.

I don’t have cute lounging clothes either. I’m not a believer in jeans are so comfy. So jeans are only an option if I have to look cute and come to work or go somewhere where I have to look halfway put together. Give me some yoga pants and flip flops. That’s my idea of comfort. You can wear sweats and be cute. Oh yes you can. Put on some make up and do something with your hair and wa-la cuteness in an instant. I just don’t have any cute sweats. Okay enough of that. I don’t want you chiming in to tell me how “fodonga” I’ve become. Fodonga basically means sloppy.

So back to the shopping. Like I said, I don’t buy clothes so I buy…. Kitchen gadgets, books, cd’s, dvd’s, etc. None of which I need nor have the room for. Yesterday I bought some Rachael Ray knives. WTF? We need some nice knives though. The ones we have are kind of dull. Yes, we have a sharpener silly. It just doesn’t work as well as we’d like it to. So I bought that and some cookbooks. I don’t have anywhere to put cookbooks. Why did I buy these? I don’t know. Wanna come over for dinner? After April 7th though because that’s when they’ll be in.

I need to not be bored so could some of you update your blogs at least 4 times a day? I need the reading material. Just kidding.


bevy said...

I apologize for not updating the blog.

It's a fashion show where I work as well, but I dress nice because it's important that I act like I care about appearances, especially since I'm new.

Yummerson said...

You're a cute girl though Bev.

The "fashionistas" here at work try so hard and that's what makes it annoying. You're naturally cute and take care of yourself. I can tell from your pics. I think that's a great thing. You take pride in the way you look.

Coco said...

Yes, I know that you were joking, and I would love to post 4 times a day, but I can't...
1. my husband hogs our home computer
2. servers at work don't always let me "blog", or even allow me to "surf" through my friends' blogs
3. report card time is HELL- it leaves no time for me to do anything fun
4. sometimes I actually do cook for my husband and I

Pero oye, cambiando de tema...
I hear you might have some snow today.
We, too, might have some snow where we live (near S.F.)

Shopping?! Yo quiero ir!!

Work Attire? I prefer to dress "comfortably" but yet appropriate...NO HEELS!


i'll be posting soon ;)
maybe even about my "stalkers"!

Yummerson said...

Thanks for the laugh Coco. I rarely ever post when I'm at home. I post while at work because that's where boredom sets in.


Yummerson said...

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. It snowed where my husband was working and some parts of the valley got some snow last night. However, because I live more in the downtown area we rarely ever get snow. Dang it!

bevy said...

Aww, thanks Yamell - that means alot. Yes, I know some people who also try hard to be "fashionistas." I kinda feel bad for them.