Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Nap time

Alfonso is not coming straight home today. My baby joined the Carpenter’s union and is going to orientation. Have I told you how proud of him I am? I don’t think I need to. I know I talk about him a lot. I want you to know that I’m not trying to sell him. My man sells himself. Not like a hooker or anything. He’s just who he is and you have no choice but to love him. I don’t really like to gush because I feel when you talk a lot about your significant other you’re not really trying to convince everyone else how wonderful they are but really trying to convince yourself. I talk about him because he is a part of my life and some days he just amazes me.

I don’t like to share a lot of the day to day things he does or the gifts he showers me with because he buys them for me out of the kindness of his heart. He doesn’t do it to show off. We don’t brag. It’s just not who we are. We don’t disclose how much money we make. We don’t say how much things cost unless we’re asked and that’s of course to close friends and family. We’re not like that. Money doesn’t make us, our actions and our hearts make us. We don’t need to sell ourselves or make ourselves sound like we have money falling off the tree and sitting in bushels with our gold coins to make people like us. We’re humble. We’re poor, shit.

I bring this up because there are some people we know that use material objects to impress. They don’t greet with hello. They greet with “look what we got”. After all the bragging is done then they can have a conversation but the conversation always turns to what they have. The difference between them and us is… on a normal basis the only way people know that we have something new is if they happen to see it and notice it. It won’t be discussed in a phone conversation. Sometimes it’ll be posted on here but rarely. I don’t like to say “look what I got”. It makes me feel icky. I don’t really even like to discuss Xmas or birthday gifts that anyone gives me for that matter. It makes me uncomfortable.

I got into all of that and really was just wanting to say that I’m glad Alfonso isn’t coming straight home so that I can take a nap. Sheesh.

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this post are mine and mine only. We can disagree but again these are only my opinions. I’m not angry. Just stating my viewpoint. Roarrrrrr!!

I was given my performance evaluation here at work the other day. Synopsis: I perform well.

What do you think about male/female friendships? Do you think that it’s possible to only have a friendship?

When I was in high school a long a** time ago. So long ago in fact that my little brother just had his 10 year reunion. WTF? Anyway, I had mostly male friends. Female friends seemed so catty and backstabbing. Well they didn’t seem that way, they were. Some stabbed me over and over and over again. I’m a medical miracle. Let’s leave it at that. My male friends, were extremely loyal to me. They would defend me against the evil boys that treated me like dirt. When the guys had girlfriends we were only allowed to see each other every so often. They would tell the girls that I was their friend and that’s it. Yeah, they didn’t believe them. We all really were just friends. I was always just one of the guys. With big boobs.

I had one particular guy friend who we’ll call… Pancho. Pancho was a close friend from high school until now. He’s the only one that has kept in touch even after he married.

On one occasion Pancho, Pedro and I were outside talking on Sunday afternoon. We were discussing whether we’d go see a movie or do nothing at all. Pancho caught me when I was in deep conversation with Pedro. Pancho said “Hey Yamell touch this” so I put my hand out and was holding a string on his pants. I had it between my thumb and forefinger and was winding it up and what not. He let out the loudest laugh I’ve ever heard and when I looked down it wasn’t a string I was playing with, it was….. a pube. Nasty. I know. Every time I think of that story though I laugh like it was that day. Boys will be boys and I was one of them. I miss my boys.


bevy said...

Eww, gross - a pube!?

I think guys and girls can be friends, if both of them understand thats all it is and all it ever will be. I have lots of guy friends. They tend to be funner than girls.

On the topic of material things, I always like to brag when I get a good deal. I'm with you on the insecure peeps always showing off their new toys when you didn't even ask or notice.

Yummerson said...

Oh I will so brag about a good deal too. Shoot I'll drive my friends to it. We have the $10 Target, $5 Old Navy thing going on. That's exciting stuff to us too!

bevy said...

I think my fave part of the good deal is proving to all those brand name snobs that you can still look good even when you buy clothes from Wal-Mart, Target, Old Navy - just to name a few.