Friday, June 09, 2006


I stole this from Bev.

Ten Favorites:
Season: Winter
Color: Orange
Time: Party
Food: Anything
Drink: Water, anything that has carbonation
Ice Cream: Chocolate
Place: Home
Sport: None
Actor: Gael Garcia Bernal
Actress: Sandra Bullock

Nine Currents
Feeling: Sleepy
Drink: Diet Coke
Time: 1:09pm
Show on TV: I’m at work so I can’t watch TV
Mobile Used: Razr
Windows open: None
Underwear: Um under my pants
Clothes: Shirt, capris
Thought: zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

Eight Firsts
Nickname: Yummy
Kiss: Carey, 7th grade
Crush: Wayne
Best Friend: Megan
Vehicle I owned: 66 Ford Galaxy
Job: Purchasing Assistant when I was 15
Date: Not sure. All of the guys I talked to when I was younger never took me on real “dates”
Pet: Chuchena+

Seven Lasts
Drink: Diet Coke
Kiss: Poncho
Meal: Clucketos
Web Site Visited: The one I stole this from
Movie Watched: The Last something with Queen L
Phone Call: Mi madrecita
TV Watched: MTV Movie Awards (shut up I know I’m 31)

Six Have You Evers
Broken the Law: Yes
Been Drunk: Yes
Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Yes
Been in the Middle of/Close to Gunfire: Yes
Skinny Dipped: No
Broken Someone's Heart: Yes, not intentionally of course

Five Things:
You Hear Right Now: Those dudes that sing the Shrek song
On Your Bed: A whole mess of shit
Things You Ate Today: Clucketos and a breakfast sandwich from Jack
Things You Do When Bored: memes
Things You Do For Comfort: hug my pillow

Four Places You Have Been Today:
Farm Basket

Three Things on Your Desk Right Now:
Paper clips

Two Choices:
Coffee or Tea: Coffee
Spring or summer: Spring

One Place You Want to Visit:

Have a nice weekend ya'll!


Coco said...

Como que "nada"?! That was alot!!
Those memes take me FOREVER!!

Un fuerte y caluroso abrazo.

bevy said...

Memes are pretty easy when you don't want to type out all your thoughts or goings on and stuff. Glad you played along.

Cisco said...

I like Cluckitos too!

Yummerson said...

Coco - I know it was a lot and it really makes you think.

Bev - Exactly!

Cisco - I didn't think anyone else knew what they were or even went to Farm Basket. I'm glad you know and you like!!