Monday, August 14, 2006


It’s Monday and life is uneventful at the moment. I strongly dislike Mondays. Strongly. I’m always so tired and just feeling blah and nostalgic of the weekend when I was laying down taking a nap at this time.

Martha left again. Dang her. She’s back though. She was only away for the weekend. Shorty lady went to her niece’s wedding in TJ.

Her niece put a tent on her registry which I found quite odd. A tent. A tent for TJ? Will she be living in it? She also put a fondue set and a sandwich maker on her want list. WTF? Does she even know what fondue is? I mean fo’ real. Back to the tent though. What are people thinking when they put these things on their registry? I mean I put some stuff on mine as a joke because I knew that no one would get it for me. I mean, I’m not a Trump or a Hilton. My family is po’ man. She lives in TJ and her reception was at her sister’s house so that they could save money. If you’re po’ then why do you want us to buy you off the wall shit you don’t need girl. Nothing on her registry matched is all crazy stuff. Like 12 different salad bowls and 15 different duvet covers priced at a mere $250 ea. Me and Fonz got her a gift certificate. Maybe she’ll use it towards her tent.

We have to register soon and I’m going to put some candy and cookies on it. I wish I could register at Albertson’s. I want some peaches and some watermelon and don’t forget some water. I wish I could register at Walgreen’s too. I’d put my prenatal vitamins and some tums on that mug. Man I have some serious heartburn.

I feel really good though. I’m not a fan of the question “how are you feeling?”. For the 10 months before I got married it was “so are you nervous?” For the 10 years before I got married it was “so are you seeing anyone special?” and the years before that it was “did you do your homework yet?”. The questions get a little old. I’m especially not a fan of the “how are you feeling?” when it’s from someone who asks it to get a negative response. They want me to say “miserable” or “tired” or what ever. So I say “good”. I feel good. I do feel good. Hell yeah I’m tired but shit, I’ve been tired all my working years. I’ve said I’m tired on a daily basis forever. So that’s nothing new. I feel good. It could be worse. I have no complaints. Yeah I’m out of breath, my hoo-ha hurts, I have heartburn and I’m thirsty but I don’t complain. Oh yeah I’m hot too but that’s my summer thing. I switch from I’m tired too I’m hot for the summer. I live in Las Vegas. Hell yeah it’s hot. Where’s complaining about my other ailments to get me? Absolutely nowhere. I’m not the first pregnant woman on the planet nor will I be the last. I just mind my own business. Alfonso stands in front of me to help me off of the couch. Or moves my pillow for me at night when I can’t move it because it’s stuck under my flat nalgas. I’ve loved every second of it so far. It’s amazing how things change. Diego is worth every second of it. So negative Nelly’s, stop wanting to get a negative reaction out of me. It’s not going to happen.

Also NN’s, don’t give me your bad advice. I didn’t take it when I got married, I’m not going to take it now. The 1st year wasn’t the hardest and so far the 2nd hasn’t been either. Maybe it’s because I went into my matrimonio knowing it was going to be hard work and not a cake walk. All relationships are hard work. I didn’t think we were going to build forts and have my bra put in the freezer if I went to sleep first. It’s no slumber party. Well sometimes we have Pajama jammy jams but hey that’s not what we were talking about. I don’t want to hear your horror stories about how you never sleep or “sleep now because you won’t be able to later”. Really? Hmmm never heard that one before. That’s great advice. You should have your own column. Let us experience it on our own. After all, we have different personalities so maybe our baby will have a different personality from your baby as well. No unwanted advice please. We like to fill our heads with thoughts of gingermen and candy canes. All the sweet stuff. Is that reality? No. That’s what we do though, it’s what works for us.

Saturday we picked up my daddy and took him with us to our nephew’s birthday party. My daddy isn’t happy. He looked so sad and tired. I think he’s so scared of aging that it’s wearing him out. He’s always looked so alive and young and Saturday he didn’t. That scares me. I want him to retire but I think he sees that as a sign of aging. He doesn’t want to stay home. “Que voy a hacer aqui?” he says. I wish I could carry him and my mom in my pocket and take them everywhere with me.

Mi querido viejo

Es un buen tipo mi viejo
que anda solo y esperando
tiene la tristeza larga
de tanto venir andando

Yo lo miro desde lejos
pero somos tan distintos
es que crecio con el siglo
con tranvia y vino tinto....

Viejo mi querido viejo
ahora ya caminas lento
como perdonando el viento
yo soy tu sangre mi viejo
soy tu silencio y tu tiempo.....

El tiene los ojos buenos
y una figura pesada
la edad se le vino encima
sin carnaval, ni comparsa

Yo tengo los años nuevos
mi padre los años viejos
el dolor lo lleva dentro
y tiene historia sin tiempo

Viejo, mi querido viejo
ahora ya caminas lento
como perdonando al viento
yo soy tu sangre mi viejo
soy tu silencio y tu tiempo

Yo soy tu sangre mi viejo


Cisco said...

Not much advise here...

Good to (read), as opposed to hear from you.
We all like to claim that "our" pregnancy" was perfect. But I know that my wife had some bad days before Olivia was born.

Take it easy.

Yummerson said...

I've never heard a woman say her pregnancy was perfect. I do know that some women are more vocal or whiney (whichever term you'd like to use) than others. I think things could be much worse so I choose not to complain. The body is an amazing thing and there are so many changes but I'm not complaining because I believe the outcome will be more than worth it.

bevy said...

Even though you're tired, hot and have heartburn, you've still got your sense of humor.

Yummerson said...

I have to have my sense of humor at most times. It's my shield against the evil spirits.