Saturday, May 26, 2007


I wrote this on Mother's Day but never had a chance to post it.

When I was younger or a few weeks ago. I used to measure success not by the person I am but by my career choice. I thought having a career was success. I never saw myself as susccessful. I have a job not a career. I go there daily, do what I can to exceed what is expected of me and come home. I didn't go to college I barely graduated high school. Not because I'm not smart but because I chose to rebel.

Today my 1st Mother's Day with Diego here. I feel successful. It just hit me. success isn't measured by what I do for a living. Success is something only you can define for yourself. I am successful. Wow. I never thought I'd say that about myself. I sat here surrounded by my family. Success to me is being the best Mom I can be, the best wife I can be. I haven' been the perfect daughter but we all have those rebellious years. I adore my brothers, their kids make my heart shine. I strive to be the best me. That to me is success. To love and feel loved.


Anonymous said...

aw that is a super sweet def of success for a post ;)

Cisco said...

Indeed success, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

Happy Mother's day to you...

bevy said...

Congratulations on your success!