Tuesday, January 10, 2006


So remember when I told you we’d be a Nielsen Family? Well our scanner is here. It’s not the TV watching Nielsen Family thing I thought it’d be though. We’re shoppers. So every time we go shopping we scan the barcode, if we use a coupon we scan the coupon. Pretty cool eh? Yeah, doesn’t seem like a lot of fun to me either. I’ll try it for a while and if it gets to be too much, I’m sending the mother back.

I wish I could tell you that I’ve been up to great things but I really haven’t. Oh yeah Los Reyes brought me a cool massager. You can’t use it while menstruating though, so I haven’t used it this week. TMI? Sorry. I wanted some red converse but this massager is fine.

Alfonso wants to make me on a mini vaca. Any suggestions? Mind you, they have to be within driving distance and affordable. He wants to go the beach. Does California have good beach weather right now?

Oh yeah, remember my bonus? The one I didn’t know what to do with, whether pay my parents or spend it. Well I did the latter. I suck!


bevy said...

I guess that foot massager thing would be good after a day (or night) of wearing heels.

By the way, I think vaca should be spelled vacay, because I just thought you meant cow in Spanish. Just a thought...

Yummerson said...

It's good for any day shooot. It helps with blood circulation. I like to use it after a long day in the kitchen.